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Bil. Judul Artikel Tahun
1 Protocol for improving the costs and outcomes of assistive reproductive technology fertility care pathways: a study using cost measurement and process mining 2023
2 Serological survey to estimate SARSCoV-2 infection and antibody seroprevalence at a large public university: A cross-sectional study 2023
3 Role of healthcare cost accounting in
pricing and reimbursement in lowincome and middle-income countries: a
scoping review
4 Anti-corruption in global health systems: using key informant interviews to explore anti-corruption, accountability and transparency in international health organisations 2022
5 Effect modification in network metaanalyses for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: systematic review and metaanalysis 2023
6 Early and Intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): protocol of the process evaluation 2023
7 Stigma of dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review protocol 2023
8 Comparative study on risk prediction model of type 2 diabetes based on machine learning theory: a crosssectional study 2023
9 Consumers’ consciousness of health-friendly products and services and its association with sociodemographic characteristics and health status: a cross-sectional survey of the South Korean population 2020
10 Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure before and after the implementation of the Tobacco Free Cities (TFC) initiative in five Chinese cities: a pooled cross-sectional study 2020
11 Retirement age and type as predictors of frailty: a retrospective cohort study of older businessmen 2020
12 Modelling retailer-based exemptions in flavoured tobacco sales restrictions: national estimates on the impact of product availability 2020
13 Investigating associations between physical activity and presenteeism: a scoping review protocol 2020
14 Survey of physician attitudes to using multisource feedback for competence assessment in Alberta 2020
15 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the core functions of primary care: will the cure be worse than the disease? A qualitative interview study in Flemish GPs 2020
16 Profile and complexity of travel medicine consultations in Chile: unicentric cross-sectional study 2020
17 Survey of physician attitudes to using multisource feedback for competence assessment in Alberta 2020
18 An Exploration of the help-seeking experiences of patients in an allied professions-led rapid access chest pain pathway: a qualitative study 2020
19 Attitudes and willingness toward outof-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a questionnaire study among the public trained online in China 2020
20 Understanding public preferences and trade-offs for government responses during a pandemic: a protocol for a discrete choice experiment in the UK 2020
21 How big is your bubble? Characteristics of self-isolating household units (‘bubbles’) during the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 period in New Zealand: a crosssectional survey 2020
22 Injury patterns in a large-scale ski resort in the host city of 2022 Winter Olympic Games: a retrospective crosssectional study 2020
23 Transformation of the Tanzania medical stores department through global fund support: an impact assessment study 2020
24 Contamination and washing of cloth masks and risk of infection among hospital health workers in Vietnam: a post hoc analysis of a randomised controlled trial 2020
25 Evidence for ethnic inequalities in mortality related to COVID-19 infections: findings from an ecological analysis of England 2020
26 Implementing large-system, value-based healthcare initiatives: a realist study protocol for seven natural experiments 2020
27 Evaluation of the uptake and delivery of the NHS Health Check programme in England, using primary care data from 9.5 million people: a crosssectional study 2020
28 Exploring the potential for introducing home monitoring of blood pressure during pregnancy into maternity care: current views and experiences of staff—a qualitative study 2020
29 Protocol for the development of the Wales Multimorbidity e-Cohort (WMC): data sources and methods to construct a population-based research platform to investigate multimorbidity 2020
30 Perceived barriers and facilitators to chronic kidney disease care among patients in Singapore: a qualitative study 2020
31 COproduction VALUE creation in healthcare service (CO-VALUE): an international multicentre protocol to describe the application of a model of value creation for use in systems of coproduced healthcare services and to evaluate the initial feasibility, utility and acceptability of associated system-level value creation assessment approaches 2020
32 Qualitative investigation of trace-based communication: how are traces conceptualised in healthcare teamwork? 2020
33 Effectiveness of vocational interventions for gaining paid work for people living with mild to moderate mental health conditions: systematic review and metaanalysis 2020
34 Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding practice among migrant and nonmigrant mothers in urban China: results from a cross-sectional survey 2020
35 Public managers’ role in creating workplace social capital (WSC) and its effect on employees’ well-being and health: a protocol of a longitudinal cohort study (PUMA-WSC) 2020
36 Resilience support to enhance positive health outcomes for police officers in five Anglosphere nations: a scoping review protocol 2020
37 Effect of prosocial public health messages for population behaviour change in relation to respiratory infections: a systematic review protocol 2020
38 Systems approach to health service design, delivery and improvement: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2020
39 Adjusting working conditions and evaluating the risk of infection during the COVID-19 pandemic in different workplace settings in Germany: a study protocol for an explorative modular mixed methods approach 2020
40 What clinical challenges are associated with diagnosing and managing workrelated mental health conditions? A qualitative study in general practice 2020
41 Acute food insecurity and short-term coping strategies of urban and rural households of Bangladesh during the lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic of 2020: report of a crosssectional survey 2020
42 Factors associated with calendar literacy and last menstrual period (LMP) recall: a prospective programmatic implication to maternal health in Bangladesh 2020
43 Patient and provider perspectives on barriers to screening for diabetic retinopathy: an exploratory study from southern India 2020
44 Protocol of a natural experiment to evaluate a supermarket intervention to improve food purchasing and dietary behaviours of women (WRAPPED study) in England: a prospective matched controlled cluster design 2020
45 Engaging practices and communities in the development of interventions to promote HPV vaccine uptake: a protocol for implementing Boot Camp Translation in the private practice setting 2020
46 What do double-check routines actually detect? An observational assessment and qualitative analysis of identified inconsistencies 2020
47 Protocol for economic evaluation alongside the SHINE (Supporting Healthy Image, Nutrition and Exercise) cluster randomised controlled trial 2020
48 Hospital managers’ perspectives with implementing quality improvement measures and a new regulatory framework: a qualitative case study 2020
49 Advancing a health equity agenda across multiple policy domains: a qualitative policy analysis of social, trade and welfare policy 2020
50 Perceptions and experiences of the public regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal: a qualitative study using phenomenological analysis 2020
51 Knowledge of symptoms, time to presentation and barriers to medical help-seeking among Omani women diagnosed with breast cancer: a crosssectional study 2020
52 Making shared decision-making (SDM) a reality: protocol of a large-scale longterm SDM implementation programme at a Northern German University Hospital 2020
53 Are you really doing ‘codesign’? Critical reflections when working with vulnerable populations 2020
54 Impact of price and non-price policies on household cigarette consumption and nutrient intake in smokingtolerant Indonesia 2020
55 Prevalence and associated factors of depression among adolescent boys and girls in Bangladesh: findings from a nationwide survey 2020
56 Does digital health technology improve physicians’ job satisfaction and work– life balance? A cross-sectional national survey and regression analysis using an instrumental variable 2020
57 Longitudinal study of symptom burden in outpatients with advanced cancers based on electronic Patient-Reported Outcome (ePRO) platform: a single institution, prospective study protocol 2020
58 Impact of smoking on the income level of Chinese urban residents: a two-wave follow-up of the China Family Panel Study 2020
59 Perceptions and experiences of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK 2020
60 Health impacts and economic costs of residential fires (RESFIRES study): protocol for a population-based cohort study using linked administrative data 2020
61 Patient characteristics associated with COVID-19 positivity and fatality in Nigeria: retrospective cohort study 2020
62 Timely access to trial data in the context of a pandemic: the time is now 2020
63 Office work and stretch training (OST) study: effects on the prevalence of musculoskeletal diseases and gender differences: a non-randomised control study 2021
64 Development and validation of the Health-Friendly Activity Index: an assessment tool to comprehensively measure health-friendly activities of corporations or organisations  2021
65 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural communities: a cross-sectional study in the Sichuan Province of China 2021
66 Organisational best practices for advancing women in leadership: protocol for a systematic literature review  2021
67 Impact of microfinance health interventions on health-related outcomes among female informal workers in Pakistan: a retrospective quasi-experimental study  2020
68 Health service utilisation among African migrants in China: a nationwide cross-sectional study  2021
69 Stakeholders’ views on the organisational factors affecting application of artificial intelligence in healthcare: a scoping review protocol  2021
70 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety and depression symptoms of young people in the global south: evidence from a four-country cohort study 2021
71 Trainee perspective of the causes of stress and burnout in surgical training: a qualitative study from Wales 2021
72 Postlicensure herpes zoster vaccine effectiveness: systematic review protocol 2021
73 Food insecurity and the nutritional health and well-being of women and children in high-income countries: protocol for a qualitative systematic review 2021
74 Pandemic fatigue and attenuated impact of avoidance behaviours against COVID-19 transmission in Hong Kong by cross-sectional telephone surveys  2021
75 Implementation of different HIV self-testing models with implications for HIV testing services during the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol for secondary data analysis of the STAR Initiative in South Africa  2021
76 Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity and protect health  2021
77 Determinants of health insurance ownership in Jordan: a cross-sectional study of population and family health survey 2017–2018  2021
78 Strategies for developing and implementing a rheumatoid arthritis healthcare quality framework: a thematic analysis of perspectives from arthritis stakeholders  2021
79 Learning needs, preferred learning methods and learning challenges of first five general practitioners in NHS Scotland: a qualitative study  2021
80 Exploring human factors in the operating room: a protocol for a scoping review of training offerings for healthcare professionals 2021
81 Role of Dutch internal policy advisors in a hospital quality improvement programme and their influence on nurses’ role development: a qualitative study  2021
82 Lag times in the publication of network meta-analyses: a survey  2021
83 Trends in energy and nutrient content of menu items served by large UK chain restaurants from 2018 to 2020: an observational study 2021
84 Use of environmental scans in health services delivery research: a scoping review  2021
85 Perceived facilitators and barriers to chronic disease management in primary care networks of Singapore: a qualitative study  2021
86 Development of a Good Clinical Practice inspection checklist to assess clinical trial sites in Vietnam  2021
87 Expert consensus on moving towards a value-based healthcare system in the Netherlands: a Delphi study 2021
88 Use of connected digital products in clinical research following the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive analysis of clinical trials  2021
89 What are healthcare workers’ preferences for hand hygiene interventions? A discrete choice experiment  2021
90 Physicians’ perceptions of followership in resuscitation in Japan and the USA: a qualitative study 2021
91 Point-of-care HbA1c testing in an urban primary care diabetes clinic in South Africa: a mixed methods feasibility study  2021
92 Multicentre methodological study to create a publicly available score of hospital financial standing in the USA  2021
93 Sustainability drivers and inhibitors for the health system performance improvement projects in selected health facilities in Kenya: a qualitative study  2021
94 Protocol for the economic evaluation of COVID-19 pandemic response policies
95 Unmet need for primary healthcare and associated individual and household-level factors in Kenya: results from a national survey
96 What matters most and for whom? A cross-sectional study exploring goals of health professionals in German neonatal intensive care units  2021
97 Psychosocial impact on frontline health and social care professionals in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study 2021
98 How big is your bubble? Characteristics of self-isolating household units (‘bubbles’) during the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 period in New Zealand: a cross-sectional survey  2021
99 Exploring correlates of depression, quality of life and alcohol misuse: a nationwide cross-sectional study of international migrants during the COVID-19 epidemic in China  2021
100 Factors associated with mobile phone usage to access maternal and child healthcare among women of urban slums in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study 2021
101 Durham University students’ experiences of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing: a qualitative study 2021
102 What are the needs and preferences of patients and family members discharged from the emergency department within 24 hours? A qualitative study towards a family-centred approach 2021
103 ‘…the way it was staffed during COVID is the way it should be staffed in real life…’: a qualitative study of the impact of COVID-19 on the working conditions of junior hospital doctors   
104 Delivery of a multi-focus public health intervention in the paediatric emergency department: a feasibility and acceptability pilot study 2021
105 Determinants of dispensing antibiotics without prescription in Eritrea: a mixed-method qualitative study on pharmacy professionals’ perspective 2021
106 Virtual communities of practice to improve clinical outcomes in healthcare: protocol for a 10-year scoping review  2021
107 Coronavax: preparing community and government for COVID-19 vaccination: a research protocol for a mixed methods social research project  2021
108 Perspectives and experiences of people who were randomly assigned to wait-and-see approach in a gluteal tendinopathy trial: a qualitative follow-up study 2021
109 Changing relationships: how does patient involvement transform professional identity? An ethnographic study 2021
110 Incentive preferences for community health volunteers in Kenya: findings from a discrete choice experiment 2021
111 Mindfulness-based programmes to reduce stress and enhance well-being at work: a realist review  2021
112 Symptom appraisal, help-seeking and perceived barriers to healthcare seeking in Uganda: an exploratory study among women with potential symptoms of breast and cervical cancer 2021
113 Retrospective observational study of ethnicity-gender pay gaps among hospital and community health service doctors in Englan 2021
114 Patient satisfaction in China: a national survey of inpatients and outpatients  2021
115 ‘It's all about patient safety’: an ethnographic study of how pharmacy staff construct medicines safety in the context of polypharmacy
116 Defining the concepts of a smart nursing home and its potential technology utilities that integrate medical services and are acceptable to stakeholders: a scoping review protocol  2021
117 Establishment of a consensus definition for mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) and reporting guidelines for clinical trials of MSC therapy: a modified Delphi study protocol  2021
118 Process evaluation of an implementation strategy to support uptake of a tuberculosis treatment adherence intervention to improve TB care and outcomes in Malawi  2021
119 Maternal childbirth experience and time of delivery: a retrospective 7-year cohort study of 105 847 parturients in Finland  2021
120 Improving pathways to care through interventions cocreated with communities: a qualitative investigation of men’s barriers to tuberculosis care-seeking in an informal settlement in Blantyre, Malawi  2021
121 How communication can help women who experience a maternal near-miss: a qualitative study from Tanzania  2021
122 Protocol for the development of the Wales Multimorbidity e-Cohort (WMC): data sources and methods to construct a population-based research platform to investigate multimorbidity  2021
123 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health among general Bangladeshi population: a cross-sectional study  2021
124 Exploring the factors that promote or diminish a psychologically safe environment: a qualitative interview study with critical care staff  2021
125 Role of masks, testing and contact tracing in preventing COVID-19 resurgences: a case study from New South Wales, Australia  2021
126 Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of self-harm and suicide in low-income and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review 2021
127 Identification of factors associated with high-cost use of inpatient care in chronic kidney disease: a registry study
128 How COVID-19 has affected general practice consultations and income: general practitioner cross-sectional population survey evidence from Ireland  2021
129 Crisis within a crisis, COVID-19 knowledge and awareness among the Syrian population: a cross-sectional study
130 Lay and healthcare providers’ experiences to inform future of respectful maternal and newborn care in Tanzania and Malawi: an Appreciative Inquiry  2021
131 Adaptation of the Texas Christian University Organisational Readiness for Change Short Form (TCU-ORC-SF) for use in primary health facilities in South Africa  2021
132 Adaptation of the Texas Christian University Organisational Readiness for Change Short Form (TCU-ORC-SF) for use in primary health facilities in South Africa  2021
133 Publishing at any cost: a cross-sectional study of the amount that medical researchers spend on open access publishing each year  2021
134 Clinical, behavioural and social factors associated with racial disparities in COVID-19 patients from an integrated healthcare system in Georgia: a retrospective cohort study  2021
135 Effect of prosocial public health messages for population behaviour change in relation to respiratory infections: a systematic review protocol 2021
136 Development of an index system for evaluating the organisational capabilities of primary medical institutions: a modified Delphi study in China  2021
137 Systems approach to health service design, delivery and improvement: a systematic review and meta-analysis  2021
138 What risks to sustainability are identified throughout care bundle implementation and how can they be addressed? A mixed methods case study  2021
139 Health workers’ perspectives of a mobile health tool to improve diagnosis and management of paediatric acute respiratory illnesses in Uganda: a qualitative study  2021
140 Determinants of change in the inequality and associated predictors of teenage pregnancy in Uganda for the period 2006–2016: analysis of the Uganda Demographic and Health Surveys  2021
141 Scoping review of food safety at transport stations in Africa  2021
142 Funding received from breastmilk substitute manufacturers and policy positions of national maternity care provider associations: an online cross-sectional review  2021
143 Physician’s use of sickness certification guidelines: a nationwide survey of 13 750 physicians in different types of clinics in Sweden  2021
144 Perspectives of paediatric hospital staff on factors influencing the sustainability and spread of a safety quality improvement programme  2021
145 How much could a low COVID-19 pandemic change the injury trends? A single-institute, retrospective cohort study 2021
146 Experiences of Australian primary healthcare nurses in using telehealth during COVID-19: a qualitative study  2021
147 Adaptation and evaluation of the Chinese hospital nursing department disaster preparedness scale: a cross-sectional scale development study 2021
148 Qualitative exploration of lesbian parents’ experiences of accessing healthcare for their adopted children in England  2021
149 How much could a low COVID-19 pandemic change the injury trends? A single-institute, retrospective cohort study  2021
150 How much could a low COVID-19 pandemic change the injury trends? A single-institute, retrospective cohort study  2021
151 Perspectives of paediatric hospital staff on factors influencing the sustainability and spread of a safety quality improvement programme  2021
152 Experiences of Australian primary healthcare nurses in using telehealth during COVID-19: a qualitative study  2021
153 Using electronic health records to develop and validate a machine-learning tool to predict type 2 diabetes outcomes: a study protocol  2021
154 Physician’s use of sickness certification guidelines: a nationwide survey of 13 750 physicians in different types of clinics in Sweden  2021
155 Funding received from breastmilk substitute manufacturers and policy positions of national maternity care provider associations: an online cross-sectional review  2021
156 Differences in beliefs about COVID-19 by gun ownership: a cross-sectional survey of Texas adults  2021
157 Implementation of patient-centred care: which system-level determinants matter from a decision maker’s perspective? Results from a qualitative interview study across various health and social care organisations 2021
158 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on ethnic minority communities: a qualitative study on the perspectives of ethnic minority community leaders  2021
159 Evaluation of the feasibility and impacts of in situ simulation in emergency medicine—a mixed-method study protocol  2021
160 Towards safer healthcare: qualitative insights from a process view of organisational learning from failure  2021
161 ‘Doctors can’t be doctors all of the time’: a qualitative study of how general practitioners and medical students negotiate public-professional and private-personal realms using social media  2021
162 Lifelines COVID-19 cohort: investigating COVID-19 infection and its health and societal impacts in a Dutch population-based cohort  2021
163 Association between telehealth use and general practitioner characteristics during COVID-19: findings from a nationally representative survey of Australian doctors  2021
164 Women’s empowerment and fertility decision-making in 53 low and middle resource countries: a pooled analysis of demographic and health surveys  2021
165 Knowledge of symptoms, time to presentation and barriers to medical help-seeking among Omani women diagnosed with breast cancer: a cross-sectional study  2021
166 Epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of biliary atresia: a case–control study  2021
167 Spectrum of COVID-19 clinical characteristics among patients presenting to the primary healthcare in Qatar during the early stages of the pandemic: a retrospective multicentre cross-sectional study  2021
168 Scoping review protocol on the use of social media for health research purposes  2021
169 How do Canadian public health agencies respond to the COVID-19 emergency using social media: a protocol for a case study using content and sentiment analysis  2021
170 How is the medical assistance in dying (MAID) process carried out in Nova Scotia, Canada? A qualitative process model flowchart study  2021
171 Are communities of practice a way to support health literacy: a study protocol for a realist review  2021
172 Value in psoriasis (IRIS) trial: implementing value-based healthcare in psoriasis management – a 1-year prospective clinical study to evaluate feasibility and value creation 2023
173 Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas  2023
174 Evaluating the impact of a countrywide, market-based roll-out of multiple micronutrient supplementation on low birth weight in Bangladesh: protocol for a two-arm, quasi-experimental and mixed-methods evaluation study  2022
175 Systematic review of personal finance training for physicians and a proposed curriculum 2022
176 COVID-19 outbreak rates and infection attack rates associated with the workplace: a descriptive epidemiological study  2022
177 Achieving a tobacco-free Bangladesh by 2040: a qualitative analysis of the tobacco advertising environment and prohibitions in Bangladesh
178 Responsible exit of humanitarian aid agencies at the end of programmes: a scoping review protocol  2023
179 Geographic scale matters in detecting the relationship between neighbourhood food environments and obesity risk: an analysis of driver license records in Salt Lake County, Utah  2023



  • Last Modified: Rabu 22 Januari 2025.

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