Institute of Postgraduate Studies

Doctor of Philosophy of Islamic Studies (Syariah)

Recognition Code                : JPT/BPP (N/221/8/0131) 12/19 (MQA/PA 5010)
Duration of study                 :  3 years (minimum), 5 years (maximum)
Intake                                  : May / June / July / December
Mode of Study                     : Fulltime (Thesis)
Registration Fees                : RM530.00
Tuition Fees (Local)            : RM 20,550.00 

Admission Requirements :
  1. Bachelor of First Class Honors Degree in related fields and pass the KUIM or
  2. Master in related fields or;
  3. Other recognized credentials are equivalent to it by the Malaysian Government and certified by the KUIM Senate
  • Last Modified: Thursday 31 March 2022.