Library Collections

1. Open Shelf Collection

Open Shelf Collection

  • Houses collection with total of more than 18,000 reading materials and comprise of diverse academic disciplines.
  • This Open Shelf Collection is located at the Second Level of the library building, green labeled and can be borrowed by library users.
  • Library users can click HERE to make searching of Al-Ghazali Library's reading materials via online.
  • If users want to make searching for reading materials in other libraries, the library users can click HERE.



2. Reference Collection

Reference Collection

  • This Reference Collection is located at First Level of the library building.
  • This collection includes thesis, dictionaries, scriptures, and encyclopedias.
  • This collection is red labeled and can be referred by library users, but this collection cannot be borrowed by the library users.




3. Serial Publication Collection

Serial Publication Collection

  • This collection consists of serial publication materials, which are printed journals and magazines.
  • Magazine collection is placed at Ground Level, while printed journal collection is available at First Level of the library building.
  • This collection can be referred by library users, but this collection cannot be borrowed by the library users.




4. Digital Collection

Digital Collection

  • This collection is in digital form, which is compact disc and digital examination question collection.
  • Compact disc collection is kept inside a compact disc shelf in the library's Computer Room, while digital examination question collection can be accessed via computer in the library's Computer Room.
  • This collection can only be referred and accessed by UNIMEL students and lecturers.




5. Online Database

Online Database

  • Al-Ghazali Library provides accessibility to Open Access Journals.
  • UNIMEL students and lecturers can access the open access journals to make searching and downloading of journal articles.
  • Among the open access journals that can be accessed are as followed :
  • Last Modified: Thursday 25 April 2024.