Asrizal Saiin, Pipin Armita


The writing of this journal aims to present a form of local wisdom in the practice of traditional marriage that occurs in Indonesia. In almost all indigenous communities the problem of marriage is family and community affairs, although it appears to be an individual affair, but concerns the interests of many people, so marriage is often a topic that never goes away. Writing this scientific work uses a method with a qualitative approach that investigates a social phenomenon and human problems. The result of this research is that there are various forms of wedding traditions customary in Indonesia, such as: a) tradition elopement which were the work of Indonesian culture eastern highly based on local wisdom, b) tradition obligation for male candidates meet pisuka to potential women who want to marry as a form of local wisdom, c) the tradition of donations in celebration when time walimah (wedding entertainment) occurs. This is what must always be maintained as a form of Indonesian nation's local wisdom towards its culture. Do not let Indonesian local culture continue to erode so that it is replaced by an external culture that is very unsuitable and inappropriate for the people of Indonesia.


Local Wisdom; Customary Marriage; Indonesia

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