Zile Xue, Nor Saidi Mohamed Nasir, Yanping Cheng, Weifeng Wu, Yawen Cao


Innovation is vital to organizational success, yet it often encounters resistance that hinders progress. This paper explores the reasons behind this resistance and proposes strategies rooted in change management to overcome it. By understanding why resistance arises and adopting proactive measures, organizations can create a more innovation-friendly environment. Innovation drives competitiveness, growth, and adaptability, but overcoming obstacles to its acceptance is crucial. This paper investigates the core causes of resistance, linking them with principles of both innovation and change management for effective resolution. The literature review delves into the psychological and behavioral factors causing resistance, such as fear of the unknown, loss of control, and cognitive biases. We will examine research on change management strategies and their relevance to fostering innovation. Moreover, we will highlight the parallels between managing change and managing innovation. Through surveys, interviews, and observations, this study aims to uncover the roots of organizational resistance. A conceptual framework will be presented, merging change management with methods that support innovation adoption. Recommended strategies include clear communication, employee engagement, pilot programs, and incentives to address psychological resistance factors. Additionally, we will discuss leadership’s role, effective communication, continuous learning, and support systems like innovation committees. Integrating change and innovation management allows companies to overcome resistance and nurture a culture open to innovation.


Innovation, resistance to innovation, change management

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