Muhammad Ilhamuddin Arsad, Mohd Hafiz Jamaludin


This study explores the intricate connection between Zakat, in-game transactions and the related ethical issues in the realm of Islamic law specifically in the contemporary digital age. This study reassesses traditional religious commitments in response to the rising issues presented by the gaming industry. This study employs a dual methodological approach. First, it relies on intensive library research. This action serves as the basis for gathering a wide range of scholarly materials, historical texts and contemporary publications. This methodology guarantees a comprehensive comprehension of the established tenets of Islamic jurisprudence, their historical backdrop and their pertinence to contemporary matters. This study employs a comprehensive investigation guided by Islamic jurisprudence. The ethical framework devised by Imam Shafi'e, which prioritises factors such as purpose, benefit and the greater good is employed to evaluate the ethical ramifications of in-game transactions. This entails analysing the parallels between them and gambling as well as the possibility of manipulating players. The research also employs talfiq, a flexible approach that enables the harmonisation of different jurisprudential viewpoints. It is important to consider whether virtual assets should be included in Zakat calculations as this allows for a detailed and thorough examination. This study highlights the significance of well defined concepts in Islamic law and the advancement of financial literacy within the gaming community. Furthermore, it emphasises the necessity for ongoing academic dialogues in order to establish a connection between religious convictions and gaming behaviours. The primary objective of this research is to promote the concepts of Zakat while advocating for ethical gaming practises. Its objective is to ensure the continued relevance and efficacy of Islamic traditions in solving modern difficulties in the digital age. This comprehensive approach intends to make a substantial contribution to the discussion on combining religious obligations with digital consumption.


Zakat, In-game purchases, Islamic ethics, Talfiq, Contemporary jurisprudence

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