Zhang Peibin, Cao Yawen, Nor Saidi Mohamed Nasir


Educational management is a complex and multifaceted process, encompassing a wide range of elements that are tightly interwoven. Among these, classroom management, teacher efficacy, and student behavior stand out as pivotal components that significantly shape the educational landscape. This study seeks to provide a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the mutual influence between these components by reviewing some related researches, unraveling their core roles in the success and effectiveness of education. The analysis shows that effective classroom management enhances teacher self-efficacy, promoting positive student participation, teachers' self-efficacy is intricately related to students' learning motivation and behavior, and classroom management is shaped by both positive and negative student feedback, which in turn influences teacher efficacy. This study deeply analyzes the mutual influence of these three factors, with the hope of becoming a foundational reference to assist relevant educational institutions or education departments in formulating innovative education policies to achieve effective classroom management, encourage positive student feedback behaviors in the classroom, and enhance teacher self-efficacy. These three factors create a virtuous cycle, ultimately leading to a more successful educational experience for both students and educators.

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